Animation programme

Kým vy v hoteli oddychujete, vaše deti získavajú zážitky na celý život. Prostredníctvom zábavy, aktivít, súťaží a vystúpení s animátormi. Naši animátori v žltých tričkách sú tu pre vás.

While you are relaxing in the hotel, your children are having the experience of a lifetime. Through entertainment, activities, competitions and performances with animators. Our animators in yellow T-shirts are here for you:

  • Always smiling and energetic
  • Positive and creative
  • Professional presenters and entertainers

From fairy tale to fairy tale

14.02 - 23.02.2024

Experience the magical journey"From fairy tale to fairy tale!" - A world full of magic, adventure and unforgettable experiences awaits you. You can meet your favourites everywhere, but what about finding them at our hotel in Senec. Your friends from the Swan Patrol and other heroes from your favourite fairy tales will be waiting for you.

On a thread


Are you missing a fabulous adventure? Let yourself be carried away by the magical world of 'On a thread', where relaxation meets magic and fun. The magical Rapunzel will be happy to braid your braids.

  • Braiding braids
  • dream painting
  • searching for the magic flower

Spiderman and Wonderwoman - become a hero

21. - 23.03.2025

Awaken the superhero in you and experience a stay full of action, fun and adventure! Embark on a journey to discover your inner strength and courage - become Spiderman or Wonder Woman!

  • Overcoming Spider-Man's spider webs
  • superheroes on a mission
  • test your superhero strength

Ratatouille - Become a little chef

28. - 30.03.2025

There's a little chef in all of us - help him or her come into the light! A stay full of creativity, flavours and fun awaits you, where children can become the stars of the kitchen.

  • Remy's food quiz
  • blind mouse tasting
  • and lots and lots of cooking

Barbie vs. McQueen

04. - 06.04.2025

Transport yourself to the world of lightning speed or the kingdom of fashion. Creative workshops with Barbie, races with McQueen and adventures the whole family will love!

  • Car races
  • Girls' barbie corner
  • Fashion shows
  • Barbie and McQueen rescue mission

Slovak Folk Easter

17. - 21.04.2025

Experience a true Slovak Easter with our Čľupek and vlnka, who have prepared a lot of traditional activities for you! Whipping, painting eggs and knitting korbáč - all in a beautiful atmosphere of folk customs.

Jurrasic park - From the wild forest

25. - 27.04.2025

Awaken the explorer in you and enter the world of Jurassic Park! Adventure in the wild forest, interactive games and fun for children and adults. Explore, learn and experience a day that takes you straight back to the age of dinosaurs.

  • Visit a dinosaur
  • Let's play archaeologists
  • following in the footsteps of the dinosaurs